I enjoyed the Christmas cake so much, but this year, really there hasn't been much time for it. So far.
This is a must for me though, no matter how busy I am, I always find the time to make this and pop them in the freezer I. I actually just realized that there are only two left in there. I need to make another batch. I usually find some great Christmas candy too sweet too, I mean I adore caramel but I can't handle the taste of sweetness. Despite this, only Lussekatter perfectly sweet. I like them.

Makes 19 buns
When bread begins to feel dry, Reheat bagel a bit in the oven or microwave and they will become moist and tasty!
You can easily double the batch and freeze the food.
1/2 g saffron (1 envelope)
1 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tbsp cognac or vodka
25 g fresh yeast
2/3 cup buttermilk (regular milk works too)
1/3 cup + 1 1/2 tbsp heavy cream
1 large egg
1/3 cup + 1 1/2 tbsp (90 g) granulated sugar
100 g (1 scant stick) salted softened butter
3 cups + 3 tbsp (450 g) all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt (I use flaky sea salt which I grind slightly in a pestle & mortar before measuring)
about 40 raisins
enough glögg or water to cover the raisins
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 tbsp heavy cream
1. Grind saffron and 1 tbsp granulated sugar in a pestle and mortar. Put in a small bowl and mix with cognac or vodka. This mixture can be prepared up to one month ahead for more flavor, but about 20 minutes before starting the dough works too.
2. Crumble the yeast into a large bowl.
3. Put buttermilk and cream in a saucepan and heat until approximately 37°C (98.5F) Add a little of the liquid to the yeast and stir until it has dissolved, then add the rest of the liquid, the saffron mix, the egg and sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved.
4. Slowly add half of the flour while working the dough with a dough hook in a stand mixer. You can of course also work the dough by hand but it will take longer. Add the salt and the butter and work until incorporated into the dough.
5. Add the rest of the flour (or as much as needed) and work into a very smooth dough, about 10-15 minutes on low by machine. The dough should be very elastic, smooth and sticky to the touch - if you pick up a piece and pull it apart it shouldn't snap immediately.
6. Leave the dough to rise, covered with a cloth, for 60-90 minutes or until doubled in size. Meanwhile, put the raisins in a bowl and cover them with glögg or water. This is done to not dry out the buns.
7. Now it's time to shape lussekatter! Divide the dough into equally large portions (I used 50 g of dough for each bun) and shape each bun like an "S". The trick is to roll them out really long to make them extra swirly. Prepare two baking sheets with baking paper. Transfer buns to baking sheets. Leave some space between them as they will rise even more. Put two raisins in each bun (as pictured).
8. Cover the buns with clean kitchen towels and leave to rise for 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 250°C (480F).
9. Brush buns with egg wash. Bake at 250°C (480F) for about 5-8 minutes or until golden brown, depending on the size of the buns.
10. Let cool under a clean kitchen towel.
Enjoy! Remember to freeze leftovers immediately once cool or they will become dry very fast.
cirka 19 mindre bullar
1/2 g saffran (1 kuvert)
1 msk strösocker
1 msk konjak eller vodka
25 g jäst
1 1/2 dl kärnmjölk (vanlig mjölk går också bra)
1 dl vispgrädde
1 stort ägg
1 dl (90 g) strösocker
100 g mjukt smör
7 1/2 dl (450 g) vetemjöl
1/2 tsk salt (jag använder flingsalt som jag mortlar lite lätt innan jag mäter upp det, använder du vanligt bordssalt bör du minska saltet en aning)
ungefär 40 russin
glögg eller vatten
1 ägg
en nypa salt
1 msk vispgrädde
1. Mortla saffran och socker. Lägg över i en liten skål och blanda med konjak eller vodka. Detta kan förberedas upp till en månad före men 20 minuter går fint det också.
2. Smula jästen i en stor bunke. Värm kärnmjölk och vispgrädde i en kastrull till fingervärme (37°C). Häll lite av vätskan över jästen och rör om tills jästen lösts upp. Häll på resten av vätskan, ägg, socker och saffransblandningen. Rör om tills sockret lösts upp.
3. Tillsätt hälften av mjölet och arbeta i maskin med degkrok eller för hand med en träsked. Tillsätt smöret i klickar och sedan saltet.
4. Tillsätt resten av mjölet och arbeta till en rejält smidig och elastisk deg, cirka 10-15 minuter med maskin eller 30 minuter för hand på bakbord. Täck över skålen med en ren kökshandduk och låt jäsa i 60-90 minuter eller tills degen dubblats i storlek. Under tiden kan du lägga russinen i en skål och täcka med antingen glögg eller vatten.
5. Knåda degen lite lätt och forma sedan till lussekatter (jag använde 50 g deg per bulle) och lägg dem på två plåtar med bakplåtspapper. Dekorera med russin, täck över plåtarna med rena kökshanddukar och låt jäsa 45 minuter. Värm ugnen till 250°C.
6. Pensla bullarna med ett ägg uppvispat med en nypa salt och grädde.
7. Grädda bullarna 5-8 minuter tills de blivit gyllenbruna. Låt svalna under en ren kökshandduk.
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